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The Corporate Digest

Dear David,

Here's an article of mine that was published in the Summer Edition of the Employee Ownership Insights by the University of California San Diego Rady School of Management's Beyster Institute that pertains to us all.

The Beyster Institute:
Building Entrepreneurial Companies Through Employee Ownership

Passion for Your Work

By David Levy



Kahlil Gibran said: "Work is love made visible". Do you feel that way? If not, I may have some ideas for you.


We all want to do something that we enjoy and add value to others at the same time.


Stanford Payne points out that research shows that only roughly 5% of people work their passions. It further shows that only about 20% of people are happy with what they do or where they do it.


I once heard that the way to decide what you want to do is find your passion and then pursue it. Society has conditioned us to separate work from passion and to accept higher salaries instead of being more content.


Employee ownership has a unique role in this regard. Employee-owned companies are more likely to provide a participative environment where employee growth and involvement are encouraged. They span the spectrum of size and industry. So, it may an idea to add an additional factor to the qualifications of companies which are the subject of one's job search - is this a participative environment?


That's not the only solution though? Read more


David Levy has worked with many companies utilizing his business profit improvement strategies to improve their effectiveness and their profits. He helps with the tough decisions and helps businesses, and their people, grow. To discuss how he can help you, please call 858-453-3778.  Learn More 

September 2012

Picture of David Levy 
David Levy
Principal - Consult Levy
In This Issue
Passion for Your Work



Contact Information
David Levy

8731 Caminito Abrazo,     Suite 201  
La Jolla, CA 92037 USA
Phone: 858-453-3778   
Fax:       206-279-1606 
For more information on this topic - or to discuss any of your business needs,
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